Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Task 1: School material
Which of these objects do you usually keep in your pencilcase or schoolbag?

Set square


Propelling pencil




Schools around the world

Task 2: Watch this clip and try to understand how the school has changed for pupils..

Task 3: Oral presentations.
Interview an old member of your family and tell us what life was like many years ago. You can tell us about school life, entertainment, food, communications, transport, etc. in the past.


  1. Hello, I',m Alex.
    I like this video because it shows you the children in Africa how happy are they and the bad conditions of their schools.

  2. The video is very fun. I'am Juanki

  3. I think that in Africa they don´t have all the things that we have like the pool, the playground.

    Pablo González

  4. Hi!I am Lucía:
    I think is interesting to know things about schools in others places.
    And because the teachers can take ideas

  5. Hello , i'm Sofia i Saw the video and i think this is very sad , if they think that is a very good school i imaging the last school.

    1. sofia yu
      have razon

    2. yeah u r right they were a little sad the videos :(

  6. THIS SCHOOL (African school)is so diferent comparing our school

  7. Anonymus of 6º say:
    It´s a very intresting video because a not very good school can do that many childrens feels very happy.

  8. hi i´m carlos i saw the video and is too sad becouse we don´t have dust when we come of P.E

  9. it´s interesting the japanese video.

  10. Hi Teacher, I´m Patricia Fernández, and I think that this video is very interesting but the school of Africa is not the same that this.
    But they do different things. I like the video
    Bye Bye!!!!!Patricia

  11. Hi teacher I`m adriana 6ºa. I like so much your video of the other school of Japan

  12. This video have a message for all the students that are thinking that the school is the worse place in the world and the childrens of this vídeo are very happy with uso school. Is a very sad thing.

    Fernando Alcántara.

  13. Hello teacher I thing that you are the best teacher of English that I have and I like this video

    JAVI C 10

  14. Hello, I'm Juan

    This video was good for me and the pupils were saying all the time that they like the teachers and the school was very good for them

    1. Hi i´m cristina:
      I saw the video of Africa and it is very sad. They have different things, they don´t have things that we have. But the childrens are happy because they have a school where they can learn things. My brother was going to cry, so I said Alvaro don´t cry. So he looks at me and said this video is very sas andhe said that when he is young he is going to help to africa.

  15. hi,im laura and i thought that the video of africa was good because the children were happy and in the video of japan the children were more responsable and i think thats good for them.

    i hope you all liked both of the videos!!! :)

  16. Hello teacher:
    I´m Lucia Garcia of 6ºA I think that we are so lucky having all the things that we have, and one of them is have a teachar like you is a very big present.

  17. Hi guys!! Thank you for your comments, and don't forget to post your name too! ;-)

  18. hi i´m isabella from 6ºb i think that the videos are interestening and strange, spepecially the japanese.

    1. Isabella, don't you think it's good to know other cultures?

    2. Yes, the japanese is very strange, because of the comic books, the caps, been without shoes..

  19. Hy I am Arturo. I like the video because It´s good for us to understand the african children.
    Bye :)

  20. Hy, I am Arturo, I like this video because it´s good to for us to know howare the things in Africa and that we have to think that comparing with them we are rich.

  21. we are lucky for can eat beacause are many boys in africa that cant eat all the days and the boys on there are sayng no it doesnt like me and theere boys in africa that are dying beacause they canot eat bye bye

    carlos O class 6 A

  22. Carlos, we should be thankful for all the things that we have.

  23. i think arturo is right we are lucky, but not rich because of the crises!!!!!!!

    laura 6b

  24. I think thats trueth they dont have anything if we compare ! thats bad ; i think that all the people must have the same!!
    sofia muñoz 6b

  25. I think that they are wild and is normal in they
    claudia 6thC

  26. Anonymous of 6º say:
    Only with a song they can be that nivel of be in love the two and I say the true I saw the three films of high school musical in my house.

  27. Yes, but tell us. who are you? The High School Musical fan...
